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3xLOGIC Continues to Grow National Sales Organization
3xLOGIC, Inc., a leading provider of integrated, intelligent security solutions, and a three-time Deloitte Technology Fast 500 winner, today announced the company has added to its growing North American sales network, along with other personnel moves at its umbrella company, Stanley Products and Solutions (SPS).

The company added two new RSMs to further penetrate key markets in the Pacific NW as well as the Mid-Atlantic regions, and appointed a new Marketing Manager for the PACOM brand of products.
Read more here

Joel Dombovy
 Regional Sales Manager (RSM) in the Northwest

Jake Franklin
Regional Sales Manager for the Mid-Atlantic

Jennifer Joyce
Marketing Manager

APG Cash Drawer Names Philip Oyos Business Development Manager
APG Cash Drawer, a fast-growing global manufacturer of cash management solutions, announced today the addition of Philip Oyos as Business Development Manager. In his role, Phil will assume the responsibility of managing, developing, and growing APG’s General Application cash drawer business in the channel. He will work closely with the Sales and Marketing teams on the development and implementation of sales strategies to important growth market areas. Congratulations Phil! Read more here

Kyle Penoyer promoted to Senior Manager - AP Investigations for The Home Depot
Previously, Kyle was a Corporate Manager - Investigations for the retailer. He's been with Home Depot since 2006 when he started as an AP Manager, but prior he held other loss prevention and investigations positions for Gap Inc./Old Navy as LP Agent and Kroger as Corporate Investigator. He earned his Bachelors of Arts in Sociology from Oakland University. Congratulations Kyle!

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position


A Battle Well-Fought in the
Never-Ending ORC War

The ORC Numbers - The New Norm

The 20% Increase in Cases May Keep Increasing

While our Q1 2019 ORC Report showed the highest number of cases ever in the first quarter (432 ORC cases), we can't necessarily attribute that to any increase in activity whatsoever actually. So please be careful using the number with senior management because odds are the numbers may keep growing.

The steady increase in state ORC laws is probably just starting to have an impact on the number of cases being reported and prosecuted across the nation.

All the work that's been done over the last 10 to 15 years by the retailers, law enforcement, trade associations and ORCA's is truly starting to pay off finally. With virtually every state in the U.S. and Canada now being fully educated and aware of the ORC epidemic impacting retailers and how its various connections to the overall criminal activity in society necessitates public law enforcement's efforts.

DA's and Law Enforcement agencies across North America have, in our opinion, been well educated by the tireless efforts of so many dedicated retail LP executives and law enforcement personnel that we're only now starting to see the numbers that more truly reflect the activity.

Interestingly enough, we're also seeing a steady decrease in average case value over the last three years. Which when coupled with the increased cases means it's being identified and stopped faster and more often. Thus pointing to the impact the laws, awareness, technology, and investigative focus and quality is having.

All of which is a direct result of thousands of individuals, probably numbering over 50,000, when considering just five years of ORCA attendees, being involved in the battle.

A number of key individuals, too many to list, have played a huge role in spearheading and facilitating the collaborative effort with law enforcement. Really, probably representing the first and biggest public-private law enforcement collaborative effort in retail history, if not law enforcement's history as well. One that's now being copied in cybersecurity and a number of other industries.

The effort has been monumental and everyone should be proud that the laws and efforts are starting to produce results even in the face of this decriminalization trend. Because the reality is that ORC is fueled, driven and connected to global and local organized crime.

With the other trends we saw in Q1 being well reported on over the years, the four we feel warrant being called out are:

1) Philadelphia popping up for the first time in the Top 5 Cities as the #1 city.
2) Houston continues to lead in virtually every retail criminal category year after year.
3) The 60% men / 40% women breakdown of suspects seems to remain fixed.
4) The EMV roll-out and counterfeit credit cards had a major impact on the nation's retailers, with the big counterfeit credit card cases driven by international organized crime gangs pushing right up to the EMV roll-out.

The ORC effort has come a long way over the last 15 years, and all of you deserve to be recognized for a job well done. However, the war continues and everyone must remain vigilant in their effort, as North America's retailers are counting on all of you to help keep the stores safe.

Just some thoughts,
Gus Downing

Gus Downing


ORC Report Sponsored By:


Recap: 6th Annual Genetec Retail Leadership Summit

Over 40 attendees from more than 20 of North America’s largest retailers and quick serve restaurants gathered in Denver for the 6th annual Genetec Retail Leadership Summit on Thursday, May 9.

In addition to hearing presentations from Leaders in QSR, Department Store and Fashion Retail. The event featured a keynote speech from Dr. Adrian Beck on the research and risks associated with Self Checkout (SCO).

The day’s agenda also included discussions on Genetec’s New Visual Pattern Recognition Platform, Key Analytic Partnership Integrations and the Roadmap to the fully “Connected Store” of the future.

Genetec Annual Retail Leadership Summits are user driven, open dialogues between our Genetec users and Genetec on industry trends, new innovation and how to increase productivity with their Genetec unified platform.

David Walker
Sr. Systems Engineer – Papa John’s

Chris Holbert – Director Supply Chain Loss Prevention & Safety – Ross Stores


Lenny Smith
Sr. Director LP & Corporate Security – Skechers


Retail Industry Will Improve Over Next Yr.
Retail's 'survival of the fittest' will cull the weak, Moody's says

Competitive pressures and financial instability are thinning out the retail herd while larger, healthier companies are poised to grab market share. That's the premise of a new report from Moody's.

Moody's analysts refer to the failure of companies throughout the retail world as a "shake out of chronic underperformers." But that does not mean the industry as a whole is in decline.

Over the next year, the analysts expect the ratio of upgrades to downgrades to improve as larger retailers with healthy balance sheets take more market share from their weaker competitors.

Yet there are slices of the industry that are performing well, bringing in strong income and expanding footprints and capabilities. Among them, Moody's analysts pointed to warehouse clubs, discounters, dollar stores, off-price retailers and e-tailers as "particularly strong."

Oakland considers banning public facial recognition use
As San Francisco police amendments accepted

Oakland may not be far behind San Francisco in banning facial biometrics use by city departments, GovTech reports. The Oakland Public Safety Committee will consider a proposal to include a facial recognition ban with new city rules for surveillance technology later this month.

Berkeley, Palo Alto, and Santa Clara County have also all put restrictions on surveillance technology procurement, according to GovTech.

San Francisco votes on an ordinance introduced in January, which local police have been rallying opposition to, next week. The San Francisco Police Department has submitted amendments to the ordinance in that city, some of which an aide to ordinance sponsor Aaron Peskin says have been included. San Francisco Police Department spokesperson David Stevenson told GovTech. “We welcome safeguards to protect those rights while balancing the needs that protect the residents, visitors and businesses of San Francisco.”

A handful of police departments in the U.S. are known to use facial recognition, including in Washington County, Oregon, where police have reportedly used AWS Rekognition to try to identify dead bodies and people in suspect sketches.

ReposiTrak® Backed by the Federation of Wholesalers Distributors as Food Safety and Compliance Platform for the UK
The arrangement validates ReposiTrak as the preferred supplier compliance management platform for the UK food wholesale and distribution sector, and includes the development an industry standard for compliance and food safety similar to the ReposiTrak network in the US that is currently more than 80,000 supply chain connections.

UK: Employers Can Discipline Workers Before a Criminal Investigation Ends
The United Kingdom (U.K.) Court of Appeal recently confirmed that employers usually can conduct internal investigations and disciplinary procedures when an employee is also subject to related criminal proceedings.

If a worker is suspected of misconduct that could amount to a criminal offense, the employer will need to decide if it should carry out its own internal investigation and disciplinary procedures concurrently with the criminal investigation or wait for the latter to conclude first.

Employees nevertheless still may contest discipline conducted at the same time as criminal proceedings.

Society For HR is Posting Measles Outbreak Info
How to Respond to the Spread of Measles in the Workplace

Employers and educators are cooperating with health departments to fight the spread of measles, now at its highest number of cases in one year since 1994: 764.

Once an employer learns someone in the workplace has measles, it should immediately send the worker home and tell him or her not to return until cleared by a physician or other qualified health care provider, said Robin Shea, an attorney with Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete in Winston-Salem, N.C.

The employer should then notify the local health department and follow its recommended actions, said Howard Mavity, an attorney with Fisher Phillips in Atlanta. The company may want to inform workers where and when employees might have been exposed. If employees were possibly exposed, the employer may wish to encourage them to verify vaccination or past-exposure status, directing those who are pregnant or immunocompromised to consult with their physicians, he said.

Editor's Note: Given the hot spots and the fact that one case could have a major impact on a small store and even cause it to have to close for a few days, LP needs to be aware of the risks. Especially with HR being alerted nationwide, as LP is in the stores more than HR. Just a thought - Gus Downing

Formerly Incarcerated Are an Overlooked Source of Talent
With millions of U.S. jobs going unfilled, employers looking for workers would be wise to expand their recruiting and hiring efforts to include people with criminal records. That message was driven home during a session at the recent 31st Annual Forum on Workplace Inclusion, held in Minneapolis.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a leader in the effort to provide second chances to people with criminal backgrounds. SHRM created a pledge that more than 800 employers have signed, promising to give a second chance to qualified people with criminal records. The Getting Talent Back to Work website gives employers resources to learn about and recruit from this large group of potential talent.

The idea of recruiting and hiring people with criminal backgrounds—known as second-chance hiring—is gaining traction among policymakers, said business community leaders and worker advocates who spoke at the recent SHRM 2019 Employment Law & Legislative Conference.

Editor's Note: With the labor shortage impacting retailers nationwide and the pressure to fill store jobs this trend is growing and LP should be involved in the processes.

A nationwide issue: Tray loss prevention bill passes Texas state house
The American Bakers Association (ABA) worked with the Texas state legislature to buoy a bill that would criminalize the theft of bakers’ private property – mainly baking trays co-opted and sold as recycled plastic abroad.

ASIS Classroom Program
Implementing Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) 24-25 June 2019 ET

Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) is a strategic security program management approach that ties an organization’s security practice to its mission and goals using globally established and accepted risk management principles. In this two-day course, you will explore the philosophy of ESRM, learn how to implement or transition to an ESRM-based security organization, and participate in practical exercises designed to help you develop and present security solutions with an ESRM approach. Earn up to 14 CPE Credits

Sycamore Partners Offers to Buy Chico’s

CVS Pharmacy Completes Rollout of Time Delay Safes in All of Its Minnesota Pharmacies; totaling 140 stores

Boynton Beach, FL: ASIS Palm Beach Chapter honors Sgt. Grigorian as Police Officer of the Year

Quarterly Results
Canadian Tire Q1 comp's up 7.1%, sales up sales up 7.4%
   SportCheck comp's up 3.4%, sales up 2.8%
   Mark's comp's up 4.9%, sales up 3.4%

Tapestry's Q1 net sales up 1%
   Coach comp's up 1%, net sales down 0.4%
   Kate Spade comp's up down 3%, net sales 4.5%


CLEAR Celebrates 10 Years

Taking a CLEAR Approach to Greater Success Against Retail Crime

Steering CLEAR
Ben Dugan, President
Rich Rossman, Vice President

Ben, by the time this newsletter is published, you will be named as the next president of C.L.E.A.R. You will be the first retailer ever to be elected to that post. Were you surprised by the Board’s decision? 
I was very honored, but not surprised. The whole idea of CLEAR is for law enforcement and retailers to work on equal footing to address retail crime on a national level. I am excited to be working with such a talented group of individuals that participate on our board and the nearly 4,000 property crime investigators that make up our membership.” My vision goes far beyond just investigations and into aiding the communities where our police officers serve and the retailers do business.

What can we expect at the 10th Annual CLEAR Conference in San Diego on October 28 -30, 2019? 
This year’s conference is truly going to be something special. We are putting the top Property Crimes Detectives together with the sharpest Corporate Investigators in the country to address retail crime on a national level. This year we dedicated full days on the agenda to discuss Preventing and Investigating Retail Violent Crime and Complex ORC / Fraud Investigations. The final day will cover Business Continuity and Public / Private partnerships in times of crises by representatives from F.E.M.A. We have a very impressive lineup of experts on the agenda. Read more here

10 Year Thoughts: Past, Present & Future
By Jason Davies, Vice President

As a founding member of CLEAR, I envisioned that the coalition we created would unite private industry on a national level to combat ORC together, which had been a significant opportunity and struggle in years past. Along with our law enforcement counterparts, we saw an opportunity to make a difference and increase the return on investment for our companies and agencies. We understood that to accomplish this, we needed to provide best in class training and a venue to not only learn but more importantly, network and share real-world experiences with the experts.

Needless to say, we have seen the working relationships between retail and law enforcement change dramatically in the last 10 years and it’s definitely been for the better. Never have we had such a trusting and productive working relationship as we do today. I see this as a by-product of all the hard work and efforts of our CLEAR board of directors, trainers and of course our members in the field. Read more here


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and doesn't filter retail's reality



Spotlight on S-TRON

DMP Dealer Award

Digital Monitoring Products (DMP), one of our valuable manufacturing partners with whom we have a dealer direct relationship, has honored us with a 10-year dealer award. Our relationship with this manufacturer goes back to 2001, Becoming a Direct Dealer in 2008, and we love their incredible, American-made electronic security products.

DMP makes commercial-grade Intrusion, Access and Automation systems designed to provide the highest level of protection to properties of all types. This is to the distinct advantage of our customers in the retail, restaurant and grocery industries. We are proud to trust the security of our customers to these outstanding monitoring products, and honored to receive this recognition.

To discuss DMP products or any commercial security solutions, contact S-TRON Security today. We look forward to finding out how we can help you.

Established in 1995 and headquartered in Melville, New York, S-TRON Security has served thousands of retail locations across the country with best in class equipment installations and ongoing service, maintenance and support. Our proven, time-tested process for delivery, installation and support saves our customers time, money and hassle. To discuss commercial security solutions for retail, restaurant or grocery facilities, call us at (877) 208-4039.




Data Breach Fatigue
Why retailers should still care about data breaches

According to a study published by IBM, an organization has a 27% chance of suffering a breach of at least 1,000 records. There have been so many data breaches in the past several years that now it seems commonplace.

Many experts today believe that consumers are now suffering from “data breach fatigue.” Instead of being outraged, consumers either feel despondent or apathetic – often choosing to not discuss it with their friends or family. If pressed, most consumers will say that they care; however, a recent study by the Ponemon Institute found that 32% of data breach victims took no action to protect their data after a breach, and 55% took no action to guard against identity theft. It’s clear that our actions don’t match our words when it comes to data breaches.

Given the relative apathy from consumers and the likelihood that all organizations will eventually become the victim of a breach, it’s inevitable that businesses will choose to not dedicate an adequate amount of resources toward their cybersecurity programs. However, becoming the victim of a cybersecurity incident often results in the company having to pay substantial direct and indirect costs.

The costs of a significant data breach in the United States is astounding. According to the IBM study, the average cost of a breached record for a U.S. company was $233, and the average total cost of a data breach was nearly $8 million.

Cybersecurity Skills Shortage is Impacting Organizations
Seventy-four percent of organizations are impacted by the cybersecurity skills shortage, according to a study of cybersecurity professionals by the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) and Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG).

How the 281 data breaches in Q1 2019 will impact companies
High-profile data breaches show no sign of slowing down. In the first quarter of 2019, there were 281 reported data breaches, exposing more than 4.53 billion records.

Companies have overlooked the fact that cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated with automation, and these 4.5 billion exposed records will become 4.5 billion new opportunities for criminals to commit automated fraud online. Organizations are not where they need to be when it comes to protecting their online ecosystems against attacks and the reality of the situation is troubling. And as 2019 progresses, companies will continue to be impacted by these data breaches—even if they’re not directly involved—here’s how.

Using Behavioral Biometrics to Pinpoint Online Fraudulent Activity
The tools can detect suspicious users even if the device in question has never been used to visit Principal’s website before.

Legitimate customers behave differently than fraudsters, Ms. Anderson said, which means monitoring mouse movements, typing speed and other variables can help the company stop crime. This technology is from BioCatch Ltd.

For example, when registering online for access to an existing 401(k) account, a legitimate user would quickly be able to enter familiar information such as his or her name, address and Social Security number with few or no errors. Fraudsters might pause frequently to check spelling, or they might copy and paste information from a separate document. Real customers rarely copy and paste their personal data, she said, and the tools Principal uses detect these differences.

Additionally, people who are registering for a new account would likely need time to navigate the website and find the right portal. A fraudster, often having scouted the website before arriving with stolen credentials, would know exactly where to click.

These and thousands of other indicators are fed into an algorithm to identify suspicious users. If enough red flags go up, the user is blocked from finishing registration.

“They get a common error message that tells them we can’t process the transaction at this time,” she said. “We’re very careful not to alert the person who might be a cybercriminal exactly why they’re not able to register,” which would make it easier for them to circumvent the tools.

The market for behavioral biometrics is expected to reach $2.5 billion by 2023, up from $871 million in 2018, according to a report published in July by market-research firm MarketsandMarkets.

Block rates of 0.25% are more typical, said Howard Edelstein, chief executive of BioCatch.

Crime Gang Advertises Stolen 'Anti-Virus Source Code'
'Fxmsp' Russian Hacking Collective Exploits Victims Via RDP and Active Directory

A hacker collective has been advertising source code that it claims to have stolen from three top U.S. anti-virus software development firms, security researchers warn.

Since April 24, Fxmsp has been claiming to have gained remote access to the networks of three U.S.-based anti-virus firms after working nonstop for months to hack them, AdvIntl says. The hacker collective is offering access to the firms' networks and source code for $300,000.


Nedap applies for global patent for new Virtual Shielding technology

Nedap announces that the patent application is pending in over 120 countries for !D Cloud’s latest functionality: Virtual Shielding.

This smart allocation technology in the Nedap !D Cloud software platform, allows store staff to easily read RFID tags by using RFID handheld devices and automatically determine the actual (sub) location within a store of RFID tags in an accurate way.

This solves the problem of reading RFID tags through walls. The industry has long denied the feasibility of reliably determining individual tag locations without physical shielding however, Nedap has cracked the code on this.

Read more here.




The Disappearing Front End, Seamless Shopping & The POS Disruption

Dan Faketty, Vice President, Asset Protection, Southeastern Grocers
Mike Lamb, Vice President, Asset Protection & Safety, the Kroger Company

The demand for seamless shopping, the technology that delivers it, and the physical changes it creates in stores is forcing retailers to completely rethink and reinvent Loss Prevention controls, policies and practices – and possibly even redefine what acceptable levels of shrink are. Dan Faketty and Mike Lamb discuss the LP implications of new POS technologies and customer experiences – from scan-and go and mobile pay to self-checkout kiosks, tablet-based solutions, BOPIS and more.

Episode Sponsored By:

Quick Take 14 with Dave Thompson, CFI, WZ

Dave Thompson, CFI, VP of Operations,
Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates
with MCs Joe LaRocca and Amber Bradley

As the traditional LP role has expanded, so has Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates’ offering of courses, seminars and workshops teaching non-confrontational interview techniques to professionals across the U.S. and beyond. Hear Dave Thompson tell us what’s new with WZ. Then Amber and Joe turn the tables on him, interviewing Dave in “The Lightning Round”.






New Skimmer Attack Steals Data From Over 100 Ecommerce Sites
Malicious JavaScript Steals Credit Card Data
A new skimmer attack that has injected malicious JavaScript into the payment sections of 105 ecommerce websites is stealing credit card and other customer data, security researchers warn.

Researchers at the Chinese IT firm Qihoo 360 Netlab write in a blog that this attack, which has been ongoing for about five months, has affected sites that sell a range of consumer goods, including high-end handbags, mountain bikes, baby products, wine and electronics.

This scheme involves a malicious domain name called magento-analytics[.]com, which Netlab researchers first noticed in October 2018 and have been tracking ever since. The attackers are apparently trying to disguise themselves by using a name that closely resembles Magento, a content systems management platform owned by Adobe and used by thousands of online retailers.

This is the second time in a week that security researchers have uncovered a skimmer attack targeting ecommerce websites. On May 3, Trend Micro described the activities of a new group called Mirrorthief, which targeted online campus stores in both the U.S. and Canada (see: JavaScript Sniffer Attacks: More Online Stores Targeted).

Many other attacks using skimmers, also called JavaScript sniffers, are closely associated with an umbrella group called Magecart, which has increased its activity over the last year (see: Magecart Nightmare Besets E-Commerce Websites).

Toms wins $1 million damages vs online seller
Accused of selling knockoff products, violating trademark

A federal court has granted a motion for default judgment and agreed that $1 million in statutory damages was "just" in a case alleging counterfeiting infringement of the TOMS trademark by an Internet-based e-commerce store selling and marketing items in South Florida.

Mycoskie alleges 2018prettycat marketed and sold products in South Florida with counterfeit and "confusingly similar" trademarks as their "TOMS" registered marks through its online stores on eBay. Mycoskie hired a licensed private investigation firm to look into the counterfeit marketing and sale of its TOMS branded items by placing orders for the goods online and having them shipped to addresses in the Southern District of Florida, according to the court filing.

7 Website Security Essentials for eCommerce Retailers

Study: Retailers shift delivery priorities

Etsy Hits 41M Active Buyers In Q1

EBay still dominates online shopping in Australia closes office in Australia



Torrance, CA: Police arrest 4, recover $2 to $3 Million in stolen goods involving ‘Sophisticated Retail Theft Ring’
Police recovered millions of dollars worth of high-end merchandise in Torrance on Thursday, May 9, and arrested four Gardena residents suspected of knowingly purchasing stolen goods and reselling them at local swap meets. Months of investigation led authorities to identify four people taking part in what officials described as a “sophisticated retail theft ring,” in a Torrance Police Department press release. Torrance Police teamed up with El Segundo police detectives on the case.

Officers obtained warrants to arrest Edgar Baldeon, 41, Efrain Baldeon, 45, Jaciel Huerta, 28 and Maribel Sanchez, 46, and took them into custody Thursday. Authorities also recovered clothing, handbags, sunglasses, luggage and other stolen items worth between $2 million and $3 million dollars, police said. The items were allegedly taken from nearby department stores. Investigators believe the four people arrested on Thursday may have been responsible for crimes elsewhere in Southern California and other states.

Fairfield, CA: Teens Arrested In Connection To Series Of Retail Thefts Totaling Over $180K
Police say three 18-year-old females are in custody in connection to a series of retail thefts worth almost $200,000. The suspects are accused of stealing approximately $1,200 from the Hollister store in Fairfield, over $30,000 worth of merchandise from Victoria Secret, and over $150,000 from Ulta Beauty. Fairfield police said on April 9, employees at the Solano Mall Victoria’s Secret location reported theft of approximately $25,000 worth of merchandise.

The employees said three black females entered the store with empty shopping bags and filled them with the merchandise even after being confronted by employees. A Fairfield police community service officer (CSO) took a theft report and learned from an Asset Protection Investigator for Victoria’s Secret that the same females were suspects in a similar theft in San Mateo. Fairfield PD Detective Reyna took over the investigation and determined the females were also suspected of several other thefts throughout Northern California including a Feb. 2019 theft in Fairfield.

Tigard, OR: Police arrest New York man for using forged barcodes at Home Depot to steal $33,000 in merchandise
Jose Modesto Adon-Cano, 25, was arrested Monday on an aggravated theft charge. Police say Adon-Cano’s arrest comes after a loss prevention officer at a Tigard Home Depot observed him affixing forged barcodes to items last week. Loss Prevention at the store on Southwest Sequoia Parkway called law enforcement after reportedly observing the Adon-Cano placing circuit breakers and outlets in his shopping cart and then attaching lower-priced, forged bar codes to the merchandise.

While Adon-Cano was in jail, detectives obtained a search warrant, searched his vehicle and seized more than $33,000 worth of merchandise with forged bar codes attached. Detectives working with Home Depot Loss Prevention determined Adon-Cano had engaged in similar transactions between April 30 and May 2 along the Interstate 5 corridor at stores from Everett, WA, to Tigard.

Portsmouth, VA: Pawn store shuts down, managers Federally indicted for selling stolen goods
Two managers at what used to be Portsmouth Pawn have been federally indicted for selling stolen goods out of the shop. According to court documents, Joseph Poling and Raisa Ison worked together to buy stolen goods for less than retail value and then resell them for a profit. The stolen items ranged from power tools, pet supplies and computer routers to shaving razors and personal electronics, documents report.

In the nine page indictment, prosecutors said that Poling and Ison worked with people who stole items from retail stores like Walmart and Sam's Club and then sold the stolen items to the pawn shop for cash. In one instance outlined in the indictment, three people working in connection with them stole $7,000 worth of ink cartridges from a retail store in Chesapeake. As part of the conspiracy, Poling and Ison created eBay accounts where they posted advertisements for goods and offered them for sale or auction, according to court documents. Documents further state they would receive the money via electronic wire transfer, PayPal. Over the years, a federal investigation found they racked up thousands of dollars' worth of stolen property.

Cavalier, ND: North Dakota Woman under-rings nearly $3,000 in merchandise at self-check out at Shopko

Pittsburgh, PA: Home Depot thief arrested with $1,000 in merchandise, has multiple priors for Retail Theft

East Haven, CT: Rite Aid shoplifter flees with $900 of merchandise

Florence, AL: Walmart Shoplifting trio caught in the act stealing hundreds in merchandise

San Angelo, TX: Woman on motorized shopping cart shoplifts $500 of meat from 2 Walmarts, bites officer



Shootings & Deaths

Memphis, TN: Delivery driver charged with murder after American Freight shooting
The delivery driver accused of killing a manager at a local mattress and furniture store on Highway 64 has been identified and charged. Timothy Saunders was captured on Thursday, May 9, and charged with first-degree murder. According to police, Saunders became involved in a verbal confrontation with Thomas Hartman concerning a loading issue. Saunders reportedly left and then returned a short time later, only to continue the fight with the manager. Several moments later, Saunders pulled out a gun, pointed it at the man’s face and pulled the trigger. The victim was pronounced dead on the scene by first responders. As for Saunders, police said he took off but was later captured at Highway 64 and I-40.

Houston, TX: 3 Arrested on Capital Murder charges in shooting death of C-Store clerk during robbery
On April 16, 2019, at approximately 1 a.m., police say 18-year-old Steven Hicks, 19-year-old Lakoreen Parker, and 18-year-old Brent Williams robbed a convenience store in the 9200 block of Main Street. Despite the clerk's compliance with the robbers' demands, police say 59-year-old Se Young Lee was shot multiple times and later died. Police announced the arrests of Hicks, Parker, and Williams on Thursday.

San Jose, CA: 3 People Shot At Strip Mall; 1 Victim Critically Hurt
Police in San Jose are investigating a triple shooting Thursday afternoon that left three male victims injured including one in critical condition. Police said that on Thursday at about 1:36 p.m., officers responded to reports of a shooting on Senter Road in San Jose. Authorities confirmed that one of the victims sustained life-threatening injuries. Police said no suspects have been identified or apprehended.

Iowa City, IA: Officer involved shooting at Consignment Store Burglary
Iowa City Police responded to a burglary alarm just before 2:30 am. at the Second Act store. During that call, two Officers fired their weapons. One person was shot and taken to the hospital. The victim's injuries are unknown at this time. Authorities said no officers were hurt during the shooting.

Southaven, MS: Argument inside Waffle House leads to shooting
Police said the argument happened inside the restaurant on Hamilton Road around 2:30 a.m. Friday. When the victim tried to leave the store, he was shot after his car turned onto Hamilton. The victim was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. Officers believe there is more than one suspect.

Tulsa, OK: One injured in shooting outside C-store

Fort Worth, TX: Bystander hit in face by stray bullet while driving by a C-Store


Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Sarasota, FL: Florida man who tried to pawn baby says it was a prank for Snapchat
A Florida father sought by police after a pawn shop owner notified authorities of a man trying to sell a baby now says he did it as a social media prank. Police began searching for the man after they were notified Tuesday by an employee of A&F Pawn Jewelry and Loan who was concerned for the child’s welfare.

Surveillance video shows the man walk into the store and place a child carrier on the glass counter. “This is what I got,” he says in the Snapchat video, according to WFLA. “I know no one under 18 in here but he’s barely used, seven and a half months old, what do you think he’s worth?” he exchange alarmed the employee enough that he called police, sparking a manhunt that involved several law enforcement divisions. Detectives also notified the Florida Department of Children and Family Services.

The man in the video, 43-year-old Brian Slocum, of Sarasota, saw himself on the news and called the Sarasota Police Dept. to give a statement. Slocum, who has not been charged with a crime, said he regrets the poor prank and is speaking out to warn others of the potential consequences. “There’s nothing in the world I would trade for my son, he’s my world,” Slocum said.

Akron, OH: Shoplifter dragged Marc’s employee across parking lot in getaway car
Police are searching for a couple accused of stealing from an Akron grocery store Wednesday morning and assaulting an employee who tried to stop them. A 34-year-old man who works in loss prevention at Marc’s approached the man, who was uncooperative and did not want to come back inside the store after stealing over $200 in merchandise. The Marc’s employee tried to detain the man by gabbing his arm, police said. The suspect got into the van and, with the employee still holding onto his arm, told the woman to start driving. The employee hung onto the side of the van and was dragged a short distance across the parking lot.

Port Lavaca, TX: Assistant Manager arrested in Dairy Queen robbery

Cleveland, OH: Man dressed as Construction Worker Robs Armored Truck



Mendocino County, CA: Rite Aid Pharmacy drug thieves enter guilty pleas; sentences range from 5 to 12 years

Troupe, KS: Man convicted of 2018 home invasion murder, multiple armed robberies, sentenced to 35 years

Washington Court House, OH: C-Store Armed Robber receives 6-year sentence following guilty plea

Alexandria, VA: Seventh guilty plea in gas pump skimming fraud scheme; $500k in actual losses, $3.5M in intended losses

Boston, MA: Brazilian National Sentenced For ATM Skimming


C-Store – Deltona, FL – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Bloomington, MN – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Phoenix, AZ – Robbery
C-Store – Hancock County, IN – Robbery
C-Store – Anchorage, AK – Robbery
C-Store – Nashville, TN – Armed Robbery
C- Store – Nashville, TN – Armed Robbery (2 of 2 )
Consignment store – Iowa City, IA – Burglary
Dollar General – North Troy, VT – Burglary
Dollar Tree – Wilmington, DE – Robbery
Gas Station – Goshen, CT – Robbery
Ice Cream store– Hiram, ME – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Farmington, Armed Robbery (Dairy Queen)
7-Eleven – West Valley City, UT – Armed Robbery
7-Eleven – Alexandria, VA – Armed Robbery

Daily Totals:
13 robberies
2 burglaries
0 shootings
0 killed


Weekly Totals:
83 robberies
7 burglaries
1 shooting
0 killed





None to report.

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District Loss Prevention Manager
Eastern PA/NJ

The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and improves safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for approximately 15-20 store locations...

Corporate Investigations Supervisor
Irving, TX

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Area Loss Prevention Manager -
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Manager, Asset Protection Fraud & Investigations
Westchester, IL

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Area Loss Prevention Manager
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Senior Director
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Dir. Corp. Global Security & Brand Protection - Americas Coty New York, NY May 2
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Dir. DC Asset Protection Dollar Tree Chesapeake, VA May 3
Dir., Inventory Accounting Dollar Tree Virginia Jan. 14
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Dir. Risk Management Goodwill Easter Seals St. Paul, MN April 16
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Dir. of Security Operations Neiman Marcus Group Irving, TX April 2
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Corporate/Senior Manager
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Sr Mgr. Corp Investigations US Foods Rosemont, IL May 9
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Inventory Supervisor Best Buy Santa Rosa, CA
Multi District AP Leader CVS Health Washington, DC
LP Leader Dick's Sporting Goods Raleigh, NC
Inventory Supervisor Home Depot San Diego, CA
Senior LP Specialist King Soopers Denver, CO
AP Manager Kmart Warren, MI
LP Supervisor Kohl's Dickson City, PA
AP & Safety Manager Lowe's New Carrollton, MD
AP Investigator Off 5th Garden City, NY
Area LP Manager Michael's Cleveland, OH
LP Investigator Neiman Marcus Dallas, TX
AP Investigator Saks Fifth Avenue Boca Raton, FL
Inventory Control Coordinator Signet Jewelers Akron, OH
AP Ops Manager WalMart Palestine, TX

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Weis Markets Region 1 AP Team

SHC APP Team from Offshore

Burlington Region 29 LP Team

Ascena Retail Group Inc. AP Team

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Flexibility and molding to the environment you're in is the first step towards integration and inclusion. In order to be absolutely effective, an executive must first become one with their surroundings and mold to what it is as opposed to expecting them to mold to you. Seeing and hearing those subtle differences is the key and changing to it becomes the objective. Once modified, you then have the freedom to influence change and make a difference.

Just a Thought,

Gus Downing




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