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2018 GLPS - Group LP Selfies
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Members of the SHC APP Team from Offshore (Puerto Rico and USVI)

"Vamos por Mas (Going for more)"

First Row (left to right): Cesar Ostolaza, APM; Barbara Mandes, APM; Mirtalissa Colon, APM; Lucille Arroyo, AMAP; Dennisse Alvarez, ZMAP; Alex Sostre, MMAP; Gina Colon, APM; Samuel Rosario, APM

Second Row (left to right): Miguel Rodriguez, APM; Robert Cruz, APM; Simon Cruceta, APM; Juan Ayuso, APM; Joel Pagan, APM; Hector Crespo, APM; Antonio Mictil, APM; Virginia Vazquez, APM

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Top Industry News

Los Angeles – The holiday retail season has begun in Los Angeles. But among holiday shoppers are also gangs of organized thieves and shoplifters who steal tens of thousands of dollars of merchandise. Now some retailers in LA have a new tool to help combat those responsible for organized theft. Karl Langhorst, Executive Vice President ALTO US, recently joined retail loss prevention and security expert Joe LaRocca, and Commander Blake Chow with the Los Angeles Police Department on Los Angeles FOX 11’s “What The Hal” with Hal Eisner podcast to discuss how ALTO US is bridging the gap between retail and law enforcement to create safer environments and lower the crime rate in the community.

Los Angeles ranks as one of the top cities in the U.S. for Organized Retail Crime (ORC), according to the National Retail Federation 2018 ORC survey. To combat the problem, the City of Los Angeles is now using ALTO Alliance — an innovative new approach that combines a proven strategy with technology-based tools that proactively connect retailers with law enforcement and prosecution to break the cycle of retail theft.

To listen to the Podcast for Android devices, click here. To listen to the Podcast on iTunes, click here.

The panelists were also recently featured on Fox 11’s “In Depth.” Watch their video interview here.


It's an Amazing FaceID Small World After All
The Surprising Global Forward March of Facial Recognition - Part 3

By Tony D'Onofrio, Global Retail Influencer

In Part 1, we introduced your face as the next computer cookie and discussed USA/UK retail applications. In Part 2, we faced the reality that more FaceID disruptions is coming to the security industry, introduced healthcare applications, and concluded with GAFAM insights (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft).

In Part 3, we explore more of the growing global facial recognition deployments focusing on China which is THE world's FaceID innovation laboratory. Read in this post about China installing over 600 million CCTV cameras, see the fining of jaywalkers through video, the pace of Asia digital retail change, and face recognition being deployed in 11,000 7-Eleven stores in Thailand.

● China is perfecting a nation-wide video surveillance network. 176 million surveillance cameras were in use at the end of 2017 and 626 million are expected by 2020.​ In a recent facial recognition experiment in the city of Guiyang (4.3+ million people), a BBC reporter was found within the city in just seven minutes.

● Police officers at the Zhengzhou East high-speed rail station, using facial recognition glasses (opening image), identified seven fugitives related to hit-and-run and human trafficking cases, plus spotted 26 cases of identity fraud in February this year.

Read More Here

Mall shooting protest shuts down Highway 31 in Hoover, Ala., Monday night
Several dozen demonstrators upset with the police shooting of a black man at the Riverchase Galleria shopping mall in Hoover took their protest onto U.S. Highway 31 Monday night.

Protesters holding signs and chanting blocked the heavily traveled highway near Interstate 459, not far from the mall where a Hoover police officer killed 21-year-old Emantic "EJ" Bradford Jr. on Thanksgiving night.

The protest eventually entered the mall and later exited, returning to the original location near Hoover City Hall. The demonstration ended just before 9 p.m. There are no reports of any arrests at this time.

City of Hoover, police release statement promising transparency in mall shooting investigation

1 dead, 2 injured in shooting at Riverchase Galleria in Hoover

Hoover mayor shares update on deadly mall shooting probe

Self Checkout in Retail - Measuring the Loss
New Report Reveals the Extent of Losses from Self-Checkout and Identifies Practical Ways to Manage it

Today, the ECR Community Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group (OSA) and NCR launched a new comprehensive report that assesses the potential impact of self-checkout (SCO) technologies on retail loss and provides best practices and guidance on how to address and balance risks. While the report “Self-Checkout in Retail: Measuring the Loss” found that levels of stock loss are higher at SCO than at staffed checkouts, it also points out that there are a variety of best-practice operational techniques as well as a range of existing and emerging technologies that retailers can use to keep shoppers honest and accurate.

“This is the first study that has been able to quantify the risks associated with SCO technologies and the evidence shows that they present a wide range of opportunities for customers to generate retail losses,” explained Adrian Beck, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leicester and author of the study. “It was surprisingly difficult not only to obtain reliable, robust and verifiable data on the losses associated with SCO systems, but also on the effectiveness of the approaches being adopted to try and manage them.”

Retailers count their stock loss typically as a percentage of their sales, which, according to a prior ECR report, is about 0.67% of sales in grocery retail. This new report suggests that a typical retailer can experience an increase in stock loss of 1 basis point for every one percent of sales that go through fixed SCO machines. For instance, a typical store with 25% of their sales value going through fixed SCO could see additional stock losses of 0.25% of sales value.

Stores using Scan-and-Go technologies could see an increase of between 0.7 and 10.4 basis points of additional loss for every one percent of sales processed. In the study, the average utilization rate for Scan-and-Go was 2.8% of sales value, suggesting additional stock loss of between 0.01% and 0.29% of sales value.

John Fonteijn, Chair of the ECR Community Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group summarizes: “Retailing is becoming ever more dependent upon a host of technologies, many of which are increasingly focused upon improving the customer journey. This report will help retail organizations to continue to reap the benefits that self-scan technologies can bring while doing so within a sustainable business model.”

The report goes on to consider ways in which SCO technologies can be controlled, including the use of effective guardians and a range of emerging technologies. The report also underlines the importance of monitoring data on the risk of loss relating to SCO as well as adopting a more joined up approach to SCO management and control.

The report is based upon data collected from 13 major retailers operating in Europe and the US, including analysis of: 140 million Scan and Go transactions; 17 million transaction audits; video analytics of 72 billion euros of fixed SCO transactions; and comparative stock loss data from thousands of retail stores. It is the most comprehensive study to date on the scale and extent of stock losses associated with SCO technologies. It focuses on highlighting the risks and advocating a set of strategies that may help to minimize stock loss so that retailers can better achieve the operational benefits and improved customer journey enabled by SCO technologies.

Webinar on results for retailers

Retailers, academics and technology providers will discuss the findings, implications and develop new responses during a global webinar at 1pm GMT on Thursday, December 6, 2018, with a series of interactive follow-up workshops in 2019. Retailers can register for the webinar here. The report is free to download from the ECR Community Shrink & OSA group website.

Edesix teams up with UK's ASDA to enhance in-store retail security
Body Warn Cameras - VideoBadges

Edesix has announced that it has teamed up with ASDA to enhance in-store security. After a successful trial in 2016, there are now over
900 Edesix VideoBadges being utilised in over 250 sites nationwide, with more growth expected soon.

Edesix collaborated with CBES, to design and install a tailored wearable CCTV deployment suited to ASDA’s needs. Edesix and CBES worked closely at ASDA’s national security centre and across four store deployments at so the cameras could be rolled out in the remaining stores with minimum impact on store efficiency. This system requires minimum training has enabled staff to integrate the cameras into their daily working processes with reportedly minimal fuss.

As a result of this partnering strategy, ASDA has reportedly been able to improve colleague security, diffuse aggressive and volatile situation and reduce valued investigation time, thus reducing costs. Since the deployment, ASDA has proven the viability of these cameras by securing numerous convictions relating to theft and violence against staff.

Richie McBride, Managing Director of Edesix. “The aim was to improve the safety of colleagues in public facing roles and shoppers within the stores, whilst producing compelling evidence when needed. The Body Worn Cameras act as a confrontation preventer, as it is proven that members of the public are far less aggressive to staff members if they know they are being filmed.”

Knox County's Organized Retail Crime Unit is working harder than ever
This past Thanksgiving weekend, they arrested 66 adults, five minors and recovered just under $25,000 in stolen or fraudulently purchased property.

While petty theft is common nationwide, organized retail crime is a particular problem in East Tennessee -- and officials say it's related to the opioid epidemic. Officials say the overwhelming majority of criminals they arrest for retail crime have issues with addiction.

State Representative Jason Zachary passed a bill in 2015 that made the creation of an Organize Retail Crime Unit possible for Knox County and other departments statewide. "They've been able to make some significant busts over just the last couple weeks, some of those related to entities out of state that have tried to come in," said Zachary.

The Knox County Sheriff's Office reports so far this year, Belk, Home Depot and Kohl's are the stores where they've recovered the most stolen merchandise. Kroger is also a big target for these crimes.

Glenn Alred, manager for Kroger's Organized Retail Crime Unit, says they've paired up with KCSO to bust several organized retail crime rings in Knoxville and Oak Ridge.

Alred says the overwhelming majority of criminals they arrest have a problem with drug addiction.

"As we began to move through this and pass legislation, we realized how organized retail crime was directly linked to the opioid crisis," said Zachary.

But our local organized retail crime task force and those associated with bigger chain stores are catching a lot of thefts before they get out of control.

Update: Martinsburg, WV Macy’s Fulfillment Center employees returning to work days after fire
A Macy’s spokesperson has announced that “limited operations” resumed at the company’s Martinsburg fulfillment center Monday evening following a weekend fire. “First and foremost, we are thankful that all of our Macy’s colleagues are safe and accounted for, with no injuries,” said Andrea Schwartz. “Also, we are grateful for the ongoing support and partnership of the local authorities and community.” Full shifts of employees resumed normal operations at 6 Tuesday morning. “Additionally, we continue to utilize our extensive fulfillment network, which includes 600+ stores and multiple mega centers nationwide, to serve our customers at this time.” The state Fire Marshal’s Office has yet to determine the cause of Saturday’s blaze.

Workplace Violence, Bullying May Increase Chance of Heart Disease
Employees who are bullied or exposed to violence at work may be at higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who don’t face these challenges at work, according to a new European study.

The study found that people who were bullied at work were 59 percent more likely to develop heart disease or related diseases. Employees exposed to workplace violence were 25 percent more likely to develop heart disease or related diseases.

Regarding workplace bullying, 79 percent of bullies were colleagues, supervisors or subordinates, and 21 percent were clients.

Workplace violence against women commonly caused by intimate partners
Forty percent of women who died as a result of workplace violence in 2016 did so at the hands of domestic partners or relatives, compared with 2 percent of men, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Men, who represented 82 percent of the 500 workplace homicide victims last year, are most commonly killed by robbers.

While 85 percent of companies have a policy about violence in the workplace, only 14 percent address sexual assault and domestic violence, she said. “There is a lot of shame and embarrassment associated with domestic violence,” she said.

She recommends that people who have been victimized by domestic violence get orders of protection and provide security guards at their workplace with a photograph of the individual. But it is also incumbent on bystanders to raise the issue if they are aware a co-worker is having domestic problems, which can manifest not only as physical abuse but also emotional or financial abuse, she said.

GNC Wipes Out Vice President of Loss Prevention
Plans to close 700 to 900 stores over next three years of its 4,300 store base in North America.

Americans Consider Companies’ Charitable Work
New study indicates half (50%) of Americans say that they would switch to a company that supports a cause they believe in.

New research from Mintel reveals that a company’s charitable giving affects three-quarters (73%) of Americans’ purchase decisions. Whether truly altruistic or merely aspirational, the majority (84%) of consumers say it is important to them that a company supports charitable causes, with some willing to take it a step further when corporate giving aligns with their own beliefs.

Small Business Saturday reaches $17.8B high

Tops Markets Emerges From Chapter 11

Quarterly Results
Hibbetts Sporting Goods Q3 comp's down 0.1%, sales down 8.7%
The Buckle Q3 comp's down 1.4%, net sales down 4.1%


The Retailers Association of Massachusetts
LP Committee Meeting:

Wednesday, November 28th
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Axis Experience Center
300 Apollo Drive
Chelmsford, MA 01824

a. Networking (light refreshments)
b. Key Findings of FBI Active Shooter Phase II Study (Kevin Foote)
c. New and Emerging LP Technology (Axis Communications)
d. Open discussion / information sharing

Individuals interested in attending this meeting are asked to please RSVP by email to at their earliest convenience.

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Spotlight on CAP Index

CAP Publishes New Study of Retail Crime Incidents in 6 Major US Cities

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Transforming into a CISO Security Leader
Are you comfortable with leading or managing the individuals that understand the technology more than you do? Are you comfortable with leveraging and relying on their insights and ideas for enhancing business practices? Are you willing to spend time learning in addition to the "day job" to keep up with the technologies?

The CISO role has evolved over the past 25 years from primarily technical beginnings in many organizations to a role requiring more leadership, business savvy, and data-awareness. CISOs are managing risk, reporting to the board, managing security incident communications, planning strategies, and implementing multiyear plans to increase the maturity level within their organizations. As indicated in recent culture of cybersecurity research from ISACA and CMMI Institute, 41% of company boards of directors appoint an executive to own the cybersecurity culture and 38% schedule one or more discussions about it each year. Additionally, 55% of respondents place the cybersecurity culture ownership responsibility on the CISO, compared with 43% on the CIO and 24% on the CEO.

These numbers clearly demonstrate the security leader is "on the hook" and needs to be able to influence executive management to secure adequate funding to make a difference in the cybersecurity culture. This results in preparation of many presentations translating the business needs related to security requirements, and explaining, and re-explaining, why the investments need to be made. Business relationships must be made across the organization with an understanding of the stakeholder needs. CISOs must embrace ambiguity and uncertainty as they navigate the organization, with each department head vying for the same pot of critical investment funds.

The technical background may be a basic requirement for many organizations hiring their first CISO, as they may only be hiring one or two individuals to start building out the program. However, once the team has been built, the technical skills will not be enough for the individual to remain in the role. Security professionals must decide where they would like to spend most of their day and must be honest about the answer. That is the only path to true career happiness.

How Meijer battles Big Data fatigue
Retailers are now experiencing a sort of “Big Data fatigue” following the onslaught of hype over Big Data the past few years. They’ve listened to the “experts” and spent millions on infrastructure and business intelligence tools, expecting to gain transformative insights. Unfortunately, in many cases that promise has not come to fruition and it has left executives wondering how to get the most out of their investments.

These days, top executives at retail and CPG companies are looking for a deeper understanding of how to overlay data analytics, artificial intelligence and personalization in a way that gets results quickly. Fortune 500 companies are telling leading data analytics firms such as Teradata that they are fed up with big analytics investments that haven’t borne fruit.

 It’s these kinds of frustrations that motivated Teradata COO Oliver Ratzesberger, the former analytics chief at eBay, to issue a mandate during his company’s annual user conference last month to retailers, CPG firms and other companies looking to data analytics to reinvent their business models.

Stop buying analytics. Stop buying ‘solutions’ that over-promise and under-deliver. Start investing in answers, answers that will change how your business operates,” Ratzesberger told a roaring crowd of 3,000 in Las Vegas in October at Teradata Analytics Universe 2018. At the show, the 40-year-old company unveiled a new logo, a new suite of software, and a promise to deliver “answers” to customers, not more analytics.

Mobile security trends: app containers, app wrapping for BYOD
Threats evolve, and so should mobile security strategies. Mike Chapple explains how an app containers and app wrapping can protect enterprise devices and corporate assets.

One of the more important mobile security trends of recent years has to do with the flood of personal devices entering organizations through both formal bring-your-own-device programs and informal use of personal technology, which pose significant risks to enterprise security. While organizations traditionally relied upon mobile device management (MDM) technology to control both the apps installed on mobile devices and the security configurations of the device operating system, this approach does not offer the flexibility necessary for bring your own device (BYOD) models. Users do not want clunky corporate software that intrudes into their personal use of technology, and enterprise IT departments don't want the support burden that comes along with such heavy-handed management. App containers and application wrapping are gaining steam as more BYOD-friendly solutions for enterprises.

How app containers isolate corporate data

Application containerization seeks to build a secure enclave on a mobile device that serves as a safe location for sensitive enterprise information. This approach offers users an isolated workspace containing applications provided through the IT department for use with corporate data. The containerization software may be a native part of the mobile OS that allows users to "switch personas" between personal and work environments while isolating the data in each environment from the other. Other containerization approaches run as applications on top of the mobile OS, providing an isolated, encrypted work experience within a single application environment.

Mobile checkout time decreases 12 seconds in Q2
The average time for e-commerce checkout using mobile devices is getting faster, decreasing by 12 seconds to 2:25 minutes in the second quarter of 2018 compared to the first quarter of the year, according to the Checkout Conversion Index (CCI) report from


Tom's Tek Tip
by Tom Meehan, CFI
Sponsored by Controltek

There’s a New and Easy Way to Share iPhone Photos and Videos

Texting and emailing photos and videos from your iPhone can be a pain. In the newest version of iPhone operating system, IOS 12, there is a feature call iCloud link, which allows you to send photos and videos from your iPhone in a iCloud link. This is very useful for sending groups of photos or video files.

How does it work? Simply select a photo or video (or a group of photos or videos), then tap the Share button. You will then notice a new button in the bottom titled Copy iCloud Link. Click on that and a link will be placed in a text message or email. (Note: make sure iCloud Photos is enabled in the settings.)

Sponsored by The Zellman Group

Cyber Monday breaks online sales record
The online shopping event was on track to hit a record $7.9 billion by the end of the day, representing a 19.7% increase over last year, according to data from Adobe Analytics (data is as of 7:00 p.m. ET.) Mobile transactions surged 55.6%.

Cyber Monday sales topped $7.9 billion, according to Adobe Analytics data, “making it the single largest shopping day in U.S. history,” said John Copeland, head of marketing and customer Insights at Adobe. “Sales coming from smartphones hit an all-time high of $2 billion and we saw a significant spike in the buy online, pickup in-store trend.”

Golden Hours of Retail: The three hours between 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. ET on Cyber Monday were expected to drive $1.7 billion in online sales, roughly $300 million more than an average full day during the year.

Out-of-Stock Levels: 2.4%  of product page visits saw an out-of-stock message on Cyber Monday, up over a season average of 2.1%. This cost retailers up to $187 million in potential sales. In comparison, Thanksgiving saw 3.3% and Black Friday saw 2.8%, costing retailers up to $120 million and $177 million, respectively.

Main Sales Drivers: On Cyber Monday, direct website traffic ranked highest for driving revenue at 25.3%share of sales (down 1.2% YoY), followed by paid search at 25.1% (up 7.4% YoY), natural search at 18.8% (down 2.8%), and email at 24.2% (up 0.5%). Similar to past years, social media continued to have minimal impact on online sales, at a 1.1% share.

Amazon reports biggest shopping day on Cyber Monday
Amazon Announces Record-Breaking Holiday Shopping Weekend: Cyber Monday Once Again Becomes the Single Biggest Shopping Day in the Company’s History
With the Most Products Ordered Worldwide

Amazon customers globally ordered more than 18 million toys and more than 13 million fashion items on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the company said.

Sales by small and medium-sized businesses worldwide grew more than 20 percent on Black Friday year-over-year.

Throughout the Turkey 5, customers ordered more than 180 million items.

The best-selling products at Amazon 4-star and Amazon Books over the Turkey 5 weekend included the all-new Echo Dot, Becoming by Michelle Obama, the Amazon Smart Plug, and the L.O.L. Surprise Series toys.

The best-selling products at Amazon Pop-Up device kiosks over the Turkey 5 weekend included the all-new Echo Dot and the Amazon Smart Plug.

The best-selling products across on Cyber Monday included the all-new Echo Dot, AncestryDNA: Genetic Testing Ethnicity, Bose QuietComfort 25 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones for Apple devices, Becoming by Michelle Obama, Jenga, and Instant Pot DUO60 – 6 Quart.

Biggest holiday shopping weekend ever for Echo devices, with millions sold worldwide—all-new Echo Dot was the #1 selling product on Amazon globally, from any manufacturer, in any category.

The best-selling products across all categories on included all-new Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick 4K with all-new Alexa Voice Remote, and Fire 7 tablet with Alexa.

Fire TV continues to be the #1 streaming media player family in the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Japan, across all retailers.

Alibaba’s Jack Ma is a communist
Why is Jack Ma a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC)?

We don't know how long he's been a member for, but we do now know that he is one of approximately 88 million people who (are supposed to) pay monthly dues, attend regular meetings and sometimes submit themselves to "self criticism" to improve their ideological understanding.

Jack Ma is a strident defender of the way President Xi Jinping does business when it comes to foreign firms - and American presidents - who complain about getting access to markets in China.

To get ahead in China some might say you need to be in with the Communists; the leaders, the bureaucrats, the officials. (Especially if you want to harness the power of the newish, as it was back in 1999, internet to create the world's biggest online retailer in a country that controls the internet.)

The Chinese call it Guan Xi. It means connections.

"Fraud is not a person - it is a dynamic grouping of statistics that deviate from the norm."
Stuart B. Levine, CFI, CFCI
CEO, The Zellman Group & Zelligent

ORC News
Sponsored by Auror

Center Township, PA: Boscov’s Loss Prevention injured, dragged by car of fleeing suspects in $900 theft
Two Butler County residents are facing charges after police say a department store employee was dragged while trying to stop a shoplifter. The incident happened Sunday afternoon outside Boscov’s at the Clearview Mall in Center Township. State Police say it started when Scott Locke allegedly stole about $900 worth of clothes. As he was walking out of the store, Locke was confronted by a Loss Prevention officer who tried to grab him to stop him from getting into a vehicle. While the officer had ahold of Locke, Kimberly Weibel is accused of starting to drive away, in-turn pulling the store employee. The employee’s leg was injured in the ordeal. The two defendants did initially get away, but were found by police later that day.

Tysons, VA: Black Friday Tysons Corner’s Zara store theft leads to Pursuit and Crash
Four women were arrested this past Friday, accused of stealing items from a store at Tysons Corner Center and then leading police on a chase the ended in a multi-vehicle crash. The suspects, all of whom are between the ages of 18 and 20, are alleged to be part of a theft ring that has stolen from several businesses in the area, according to an FCPD crime report.

Manchester, CT: Skateboard thief arrested following assault on Zumiez employee at Shoppes at Buckland Hills; facing second-degree robbery, second-degree strangulation and third-degree assault
The theft of five skateboards valued at $275 is going to cost 23 year old Brandon Phillips a great deal. Phillips is now facing multiple charges for the assault on a Zumiez store employee and is currently being held on $250,000 bail.

Doylestown, PA: Duo charged with $4,000 theft of merchandise from Kohl's

Columbus, IN: Mom with young child caught stealing over $2000 worth of items from Kohl's

Retail Crime News
Sponsored by Security Resources

Shootings & Deaths

Queens, NY: Duane Reade Manager expected to survive a gunshot to the head in Armed Robbery
A Duane Reade employee in Queens was shot in the head early Monday in an attempted robbery and is miraculously still alive, police said. The suspect entered the Woodside convenience store on Roosevelt Avenue around 3:30 a.m. and got into an argument with the employee before shooting him in the head and hand, police said. Cops believe the shooting was related to an attempted robbery but said nothing was stolen from the store. The victim was discovered behind the counter by a deliveryman and was transported to Elmhurst Hospital in critical condition, police sources said. The employee has since stabilized and is expected to survive, cops said.

Coweta County, GA: Shopping center shooting caused by road rage
Investigators responded to the scene of a shooting at a shopping center in Coweta County Sunday night where several shots were fired, according to the Coweta County Sheriff's Office. Authorities tell FOX 5 the shooting happened near a PetSmart and Five Below store inside of a pavilion shopping center after a fight broke out. Stores closed down for a few hours while deputies started their investigation. One male was shot and taken to the hospital. Investigators are still working to learn what led up to the shooting.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Philadelphia, PA: Armed Robbers steal $12K from Family Dollar
Police say armed suspects stole $12,000 from a dollar store in Kensington. The holdup happened at the Family Dollar on the 300 block of East Allegheny Avenue around 10:30 p.m. Sunday. Investigators say two men walked into the store armed with a gun, stole the cash, and took off.

Erie, PA: Update: Search for suspects ongoing in Jared store robbery; $140,000 of jewelry recovered
Police release surveillance video photos of two suspects in the Jared Galleria of Jewelry heist. Millcreek Township police are still working to identify suspects and to determine the quantity and value of stolen items in their ongoing investigation into a smash-and-grab robbery at a township jewelry store on Nov. 19. Millcreek Police recovered $140,955 worth of jewelry suspected of being stolen from the store. Investigators are still working to determine what was stolen from the store and the value of the items, Millcreek police Lt. Mike Little said Monday.

Greenville County, SC: Social media tip leads to arrests of 3 men in Greenville County armed robbery spree; two 7-Elevens, Little Caesars and Spinx

Abilene, TX: police need help identifying 2 men they say robbed 4 convenience stores

Kansas City, MO: Police looking for suspect who robbed Family Dollar store

Altoona, PA: Logan Valley Mall targeted for thefts at least 5 times in November

Passaic, NJ: Smash and Grab suspect steals $27K worth of jewelry with customers in the store

Sentencings, Indictments & Charges

Man pleads guilty to West Michigan crime spree
Jacob Savickas is facing prison time for a week-long, two-state crime spree. He pleaded guilty to charges including bank robbery and larceny. Savickas is responsible for a series of crimes in 2017, including a hold-up at a northeast Grand Rapids bank, and another robbery at a Walker McDonald's. Because of previous convictions, Savickas is facing up to life in prison when he's sentenced in January.

Fresno, CA: Man sentenced to 12 years, another pleads guilty for theft of over 50 weapons from Gun Store


Robberies and Burglaries
Sponsored by
Scarsdale Security Systems

C-Store – New Orleans, LA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Billings, MT – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Wichita Falls, KS – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Boston, MA – Armed Robbery
CVS – Sidney, OH – Robbery
Cellphone Store – Dover, DE – Burglary
Dollar General – Carter County, TN – Armed Robbery
Dunkin' Donuts – Salina, NY – Armed Robbery
Family Dollar – Pensacola, FL – Armed Robbery
Family Dollar – Philadelphia, PA – Armed Robbery
Gas Station – Harrison Township, OH – Armed Robbery
Gas Station – Salina, NY – Armed Robbery
Gas Station – Spalding County, GA – Robbery
Gas Station – Eureka, CA – Burglary
Gas Station – Humboldt County, CA – Burglary
Gun Store – Hendersonville, TN – Robbery
Jewelry Store – Passaic, NJ – Armed Robbery
Jewelry Store – Troy, NY – Burglary
Pharmacy – Queens, NY – Armed Robbery/Employee shot
Restaurant – Yakima, WA – Robbery
Restaurant – San Diego, CA – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Garfield Heights, OH – Armed Robbery
Rite Aid – Portland, ME – Robbery
Rite Aid – Queens, NY – Armed Robbery
Rite Aid – Queens,, NY – Armed Robbery
T-Mobile – King County, WA – Robbery
7-Eleven – Queens, NY – Armed Robbery
99 Cent Plus – Ventura, CA – Armed Robbery


Daily Totals:
24 robberies
4 burglaries
1 shooting
0 killings


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Divisional Loss Prevention Director

Provides strategic loss prevention management for a division of 2,000+ stores with sales volumes totaling +/- $4B. Maximizes profits by developing and executing programs to reduce and prevent the loss of company inventory/assets and managing Regional Loss Prevention Managers within an assigned geographical area...

Asset Protection Director
Western United States

The Director of Asset Protection and Occupational Safety will lead WFM in shrink reduction, environmental health and occupational safety efforts. The position will proactively seek to bring economic value to the company, promoting profitable sales and world class customer service while ensuring a safe place to work and shop...

Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Baltimore MD

This position is responsible for managing all aspects of loss prevention for a geographic area to reduce and control shortage and other financial losses in 120 to 140 company stores. The coverage areas average $550 million in sales revenue and $3.5 million in shrink losses annually...

Regional Safety and LP Specialist
Miami, FL

The Safety and Loss Prevention Specialist is a subject matter expert responsible for partnering with both our corporate stores and franchise store operations to improve the safety and training processes. This includes reducing motor vehicle accidents, reducing work-related injuries, and ensuring OSHA / DOT compliance through the implementation of corporate or franchisee plans in accordance with local, state, and federal rules and regulations.

Loss Prevention Investigator
Wawa, PA

The Loss Prevention Investigator is responsible for utilizing proper investigative techniques and act as the primary liaison with field operations management. Conducts investigations into cash losses, deposit shortages, associate theft, overall shrinkage, and other matters...

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• Staples Canada - Director, Loss Prevention and Safety, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada

• Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana - Director, Loss Prevention and Corporate Security, Indianapolis, IN
• Bloomingdale's - Director Asset Protection Investigations, New York, NY

• Goodwill Greater Washington - Director of Safety and Loss Prevention, Washington, DC
• McDonald's - Global Safety Director, Chicago, IL
• iHerb - Director, Safety and Security, Perris, CA
• iHerb - Director, Safety and Security, Irvine, CA
• Goodwill Southeast Georgia - Director Asset Protection, Savannah, GA
• Amazon Corporate Security - Senior Manager, Global Programs and Governance, Seattle, WA
• Fred's Pharmacy - VP Loss Prevention, Memphis, TN
• Pay-O-Matic - Director of Security, Springfield Gardens, NY
• BJ's Wholesale Club - Vice President Asset Protection, Westborough, MA
• Hyatt - Director, Claims Management, Chicago, IL
• Associated Grocers - Director of Risk Management, Baton Rouge, LA
• MedMen - Director of Safety, Culver City, CA
• Conn's Home Plus - Director of LP, Inventory Control & Fraud, Spring, TX
• Netflix - Director of Data Privacy and Security, Legal - Los Angeles, CA
• Food Lion - Director of Asset Protection, Salisbury, NC
• Ahold Delhaize USA - Manager | Corporate Investigations - Retail Business Service, Salisbury, NC
T-Mobile Express Stores - LP Operations Manager, East Brunswick, NJ
Living Spaces - Director of Safety, California
Kings - LP Investigator - Northern New Jersey

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Your Career

The Keys to Better Leadership: Follow Your Gut, Turn Off Your Phone, and Stay Busy

How to Become a More Effective Leader by Following Your Gut
While there are so many important aspects to leadership, one that isn't heard often is alignment. Alignment can transform a leader's effectiveness and the success of their organization, and it starts by trusting your gut. Follow your internal compass

Why Turning Your Phone Off Will Make You a Better Leader
As the person in charge, leaders have to be even more aware of bad habits since they lead by example. Even taking a phone call during a meeting sets the precedent for everyone else. Here's some tips that can help you get the most out of your day and your team. Disconnect

Good Bosses Remember to Do These 11 Things Every Day
Some bosses really stick in your memory. Often they are one of two kinds: a horrible boss or an amazing one. Here are 11 lessons other people learned from their favorite bosses, that any manager can apply to their own careers. Remember the goal

Why Being Very Busy Can Make you a Better Leader
Successful leaders have a common problem - their calendars overflow with stuff to do. It's important that you don't let yourself buried in all your work, but there are reasons why staying busy can improve your leadership skills and ability to prioritize your tasks at work. Here's what you need to do. Trust yourself

Tip of the Day
ed by Vector Security Networks

Phone interviewing has become a standard first interview for today's employers. It is an efficient way to screen out the overwhelming number of job seekers responding to the few openings in the current market. The employers use this opportunity to evaluate how effectively you communicate over the phone. Their ideal goal is to identify the top 2 to 5 candidates that they want to move forward to a second interview. The first phone interview is just as important as your final face-to-face interview. Do you know what it takes to beat out hundreds of job seekers and prevail as a leading candidate in a phone interview?

Preparation: Researching the company and the details of the job responsibilities is a good starting point to separate yourself from your competition. Obviously, the employer's website is a good source in obtaining information, but we suggest digging deeper. Review blogs regarding the company, read public profiles of their employees with the same job title (Linked-in), visit stores and talk with the employees, etc. You need to approach your preparation like an investigation and find out as much as you can.

Just a Thought,
Gus Downing

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