Seattle's "Operation Super
Booster" – A City Wide Approach to Organized Retail Crime (day 2 of 3)
This is part 2 of a 3-part series that
started on Friday, July 22nd. Over the next few Daily's, we're going to
report on this new approach to ORC which began last April and has had a lot of
success. Today, we're presenting the first of two actual busts.

Investigation Overview:
one month ago Seattle Police Department received credible
information that several boosters were selling stolen product
such as Taster’s Choice, Spam, and corned beef hash, at a
residential location in the South Seattle area. By utilizing a
confidential informant, several sales of “stolen” coffee, Spam,
and corned beef hash were conducted to the subject who was later
indentified as Cabalar, Rosita and her husband, Cabalar,
Gilbert. Both of the Cabalars are employees of the International
Drop In Center (IDIC) and some of the sales took place at this
location. In addition to the Cabalars buying stolen product,
three additional employees of the IDIC were involved in the
purchasing of stolen product, (1. Cabebe, Edwin 2. Campos, Edwin
3. Campos, Eduardo).
June 28, 2011, two search warrants were executed and two consent
to search locations were ascertained by the Seattle Police
Department. In all, five persons were arrested and taken into
custody for trafficking stolen property. The search warrant
yielded approximately 200 containers of Taster’s Choice Coffee
7oz valued at estimated $2,400.00 retail. After obtaining
consent to search at eh Campos residence, two storage lockers
and another business, The following items were located; Tide
Liquid Detergent, Dove Soap, Centrum Silver Vitamins, various
toothpaste, razorblades, shampoos, body wash, sardines, Spam,
Taster’s Choice Coffee, lotions, batteries, and electric
toothbrushes. Many of these items still had branding labels
still affixed to the product.
The total estimated recovery at the Campos
residence is valued at $2,500.00. Campos admitted that he would
buy product for an estimated .10 to .15 cents on the dollar
depending on the product. Campos stated that he was reselling
some of the items in his business (bait and tackle shop) which
was located on the pier but the majority of the product he was
shipping to family members who reside in the Philippines.
Read Part Three in Tuesday's D&D Daily.