"myotherjob2001" made
$10,000 a month
Hitting Safeway stores and
selling on eBay
Woodburn, Oregon man, John Weisberg, using the nic
made $10,000 a month hitting Safeway stores in Washington and Oregon stealing
everything from Oil of Olay to teeth whitening stripes and selling it on eBay.
He made $50,000 in sales in the first five months of this year and he was
captured on video tape 105 times in Safeway stores. He shipped the merchandise
across the country and after a seven month investigation by the FBI and retail
investigators at Safeway, Target, and Woodburn police he was stopped.
A former Circuit City employee in California, John
was caught stealing there, prosecuted and served a 30-day work program. Selling
merchandise for 55% of its retail value he built his business on eBay and was
actually receiving "rave reviews" from buyers. Sometimes hitting multiple stores
in a day, he worked the Interstate 5 corridor from Kelso and Longview, Wash. to
Corvallis and Springfield, Ore.
Yesterday, he plead not guilty in U.S. District Court in Portland to a federal
indictment and will be tried on Sept. 27.
Great job Safeway and Target of stopping this ORC criminal and ensuring they had
enough evidence to obtain a federal indictment. While they could have stopped
him earlier, they worked tirelessly on gathering enough evidence to make sure
the punishment fits the crime. "We don't want it to be treated as petty theft,"
said Dan Floyd, spokesman for Safeway's Oregon and southwest Washington region.
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