Many thanks to Jason Gonzalez, Organized Retail Crime
Investigations at Rite Aid for doing an outstanding job of documenting the
events of the San Diego ORC Alliance Conference sponsored by USS in California
this past Friday. The D&D Daily will continue to report on these ORC
Conferences as they occur.

San Diego ORC Alliance Conference Friday, August
19, 2011
Back to School, Advancing Education in ORC
By: Jason Gonzales (Rite Aid Investigations)
Photos Courtesy of Rebekah Wilson Photography
On a bright summer California morning, over 300 professionals in
the law enforcement and security industries converged onto the campus of Cal
State San Marcos. This group of individuals was seeking a higher education. The
topic of the day differed from the typical college curriculum. The day's
syllabus was a deep dive into the world of Organized Retail Crime.
19th 2011, marked the inaugural conference of the San Diego Organized Retail
Crime Alliance. SDORCA Executive Director, David Lorillo kicked off the day by
introducing several local law enforcement and community leaders, who welcomed
the group of enthusiasts.
Throughout the day, presentations were made by various investigative and
industry experts. The presentations contained a wealth of information that
discussed tactics and tools of investigative initiation, investigative efforts,
case partnerships and technological options available for combating the ORC
The United States Secret Service discussed current trends with credit card
fraud. A glance at recent investigations and case closure provided a valuable
insight to those in attendance. A new understanding of the evolving criminal
strategies was appreciated by all.
The San Diego District Attorney's Office captured the group's interest, as the
successful prosecution of individuals involved in ORC activity was discussed.
The documentation and retention of video, as well as witness accounts, go a long
way to ensure a successful outcome.
Scott Sanford and Glenn Justus wowed the crowd with a glimpse into the efficient
and effective case closure methods employed by Barnes and Noble. Through the use
of "The ORC Workbench," this group is continuing to drive down shrink and impact
In the current state of the economy, ORC members are growing in numbers. Gang
involvement in these groups is no different. An in depth presentation gave the
attendees a better understanding into the association of different gangs in the
criminal activities that are impacting retailers across the industry.
Industry expert, Nelson Harrah CFI, discussed Southern California Transient
Theft Rings. Teams of shoplift boosters are displaying the ability to travel up
and down the state impacting retail and specialty stores in a number of shopping
centers. These groups are even traveling across various states. The key to
identifying these individuals is communication and partnerships amongst the
private and public sector.
Just as ORC criminal activity causes billions in loss annually, the same is true
of counterfeiting and intellectual property theft. Representatives from
Investigative Con