Albuquerque police said they have busted a very active ORC ring.
According to investigators, the women, who sometimes
used their children in the thefts, stole more than $10,000 worth of clothing
over the last three years. Police said the ring was a very sophisticated
operation. During the investigation, they found that the suspects would actually
take orders, then go steal the merchandise. Officials said Lisa Griego and two others hit stores,
including Express and Victoria's Secret. "We have upward of 30 retail outlets
that have had stuff stolen from them," said APD Organized Crime Unit Lt. Shawn
O'Connell. Officials said the suspects targeted Coronado Center and a majority
of the merchandise still had the security tags and almost all of the price tags
attached to them. Investigators said the bust started with an arrest for $100
worth of stolen clothes, which led to Griego's arrest and a stockpile of clothes
worth anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000.
(Source kob.com)
A Delaware County grand jury in Columbus, Ohio, has indicted seven people who
authorities say operated a multicounty theft ring
that stole and resold
more than $650,000 worth of vehicles and heavy equipment. The group is accused
of stealing trucks, tractors, trailers and construction and lawn-maintenance
equipment in Delaware, Franklin, Licking, Knox, Fairfield, Marion and Huron
counties. The stolen equipment was then sold on the Internet, according to
Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien.
(Source columbusdispatch.com)