Thursday, police authorities and retailers shared information that can help them
fight organized crime rings.
It's the second annual meeting to share
information about criminals and ways to protect businesses from their thieving
ways. "They're always thinking, they're always getting better, they're always
devising new schemes," said Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston. Cops say
upgraded security camera and alarm systems in the stores can help them track
criminals and connect the cases. They say the thieves are well-organized, bold
and highly selective. "We're actually seeing these theft rings put out shopping
lists," said Albuquerque Police Chief Ray Schultz. "People actually order what
they want to have stolen for them and then there's these crews that go out and
steal the items and then sell them, in many cases, for 10 cents or 25 cents on
the dollar." We're talking shoplifting teams, burglary rings, and smash-and-grab
artists like Los Vatos Locos, a gang that specialized in driving stolen cars
through store windows and looting the place long after business hours. Its
ringleader, Michael Montoya, 21, is serving a 20-year prison sentence. Last
year, APD reported an 11 percent reduction in commercial burglaries, but police
say there's still a long way to go. "What shows the importance of organized
retail theft is a bust from a couple of weeks ago," said Schultz. "It was
actually a bunch of Albanians, so we know that organized retail theft doesn't
only support drug addicts in many cases, but in some cases may actually support
terrorism abroad." (Source

Authorities discovered more than $2 million worth of stolen plastic pallets
in a Compton California warehouse. Along with
the stolen pallets, the Sheriff’s Industrial Plastic Theft Task Force found 500
marijuana plants worth about $120,000 on the street. Four men were arrested as a
result, on suspicion of possession of stolen property, cultivation of marijuana,
illegal possession of trademarked plastic products and theft of electricity. The
four men were being held in lieu of $20,000 bail each. The discovery was made
during a compliance check at a commercial building. One official said that they
are more likely to perform compliance checks, especially if they have
information about noncompliance. The owner-marked plastic pallets were described
as the type typically used to transport beverages such as soda or milk. In May,
the Task Force discovered $1.3 million in stolen plastic pallets at a plastic
recycler location. (Source