
Human cashiers still trump self-checkouts for most grocers in Canada - But the
debate continues & so does theft Today, grocery stores still rely
mostly on cashiers, and some chains have started removing self- checkouts. In
Canada, none of the major grocers appear to be adding machines. Loblaw has even
removed some from newly renovated Provigo Le Marchés. “We promise the best
service possible, and the machines aren’t part of that,” a spokesperson for the
chain told Canadian Grocer. “[Self-checkout] hasn’t been a failure, but it
hasn’t been a success.” In a sparkling new Provigo Le Marché in Saint Sauveur,
Que., manager Annie Lacerte says SCOs often jammed and were confusing to
operate. Customers didn’t like hunting for produce codes, and the repetitive
computer voice instruction to “please put the item in the bag, please put the
item in the bag” got on nerves. The store recently removed its SCOs, replacing
them with tills manned by humans. A survey last fall by U.K. retail technology
firm Tensator found one-third of Brits have walked out of a store over a bad
experience with an SCO. Business Insider website recently reported that Costco
was pulling SCO machines out of its stores. The club chain’s CEO, Craig Jelinek,
concluded that cashiers were more efficient than the machines. But don’t count
out self-checkouts yet. Walmart is reportedly adding 10,000 machines, and
another U.K. study suggests the market for self-checkouts will go up 15% over
the next four years in the U.K. as retailers look for ways to economize. Even
SCOs’ cost-savings are debated. Desmanches, the IGA owner, doesn’t think they
are cheaper than clerks. A new British study found one in five consumers
admitted to stealing from them. The average: 15 pounds (CDN$27) a month. But SCO
technology is evolving rapidly. As machines become more sophisticated,
self-checkout may experience a renaissance. In January, NCR unveiled the
RealScan 79 Bi-Optic Imager. It can tell the difference between a lemon and a
grapefruit, thereby reducing customer frustration with produce codes. Video
surveillance also helps cut shrink, says NCR spokesperson Tony Carter. Overall,
he says, the machine will help speed up checkout. (Source
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