
Canada employees issue mea culpa in new video Target Canada knows it
screwed up when it arrived here last year, employees admit in a new video from
the mass merchant, but it’s here for the long run. A company video shared in
social media by president Mark Schindele carries an apologetic tone and a
commitment to turn things around while putting to rest any rumors that the rival
to Walmart may give up on its operations in this country. “Certainly, we think
that we have disappointed our Canadian guests,” says Damien Liddle, senior
corporate counsel, echoing a promise to do better voiced by multiple employees
in the two-minute clip. The internal video does not feature Mr. Schindele, a
veteran operations executive who was brought in from the retailer’s U.S.
executive team after the ouster of Tony Fisher from the role last month.
Canada's Entry Point - Toronto's Yorkdale Shopping Center - Most Foreign
Retailers Start There - Forecasted to Become North America's Top Selling Mall by
2018 Last year, over a third of all first locations for retailers
entering Canada were at Toronto's Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Yorkdale has been
Canada's entry point for many foreign retailers for a number of years. Its
latest mall expansion, anchored by a 188,000 square foot Nordstrom store, will
see even more first-to-market retailers between now and 2016. It's no wonder
that the mall is forecasted to become North America's top-selling mall by 2018.
Several other first-to-Canada retailers for Yorkdale include Canada's first
Apple Store (2005), GEOX (2005), Bath & Body Works (2008) and Crate & Barrel
(2008). (Source
Sporting Life to open stores across Canada
Statistics Canada - retail sales up fourth consecutive month in April, up 1.1%
to $41.6 billion
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