
2011 Archives
Waco-area ORC Gang of Four
arrested in Corsicana, Tx. hitting Harvie's for possibly over two
A shoplifting attempt by a
Waco-area group has resulted in four arrests for organized criminal
activity, according to Corsicana Police detectives.
The investigation was launched when employees of Harvie’s in
downtown Corsicana chased down one of the suspects, who was dropping
fake gems, adorable shoes, and a decorated purse in a trail behind
her after having been discovered stealing. On Friday, Oct. 28, two
white females went into Harvie’s, 112 E. Fifth Ave., and stole an
estimated $1,000 worth of jewelry, purses and shoes. One white man
served as "look-out" for the gang, while a second white male drove
the getaway vehicle, according to the case being reconstructed by
police officers. The plan backfired when one of the women got locked
inside the store when it closed.
Employees realized when they let her out of the store that she was
concealing merchandise in her purse and wearing a pair of their
shoes, as well, according to a press release from the police
department. "Employees gave chase, but the suspect escaped. However,
the suspect did drop the stolen jewelry, purse and shoes she had
stolen totaling over $500." The suspects were identified by evidence
left at the scene, according to Det. Jason Grant. Grant said some of
the merchandise recovered in the arrests hadn’t been sold locally
for about two years, indicating the group may have been operating
for some time. One of the women, Lacie Dorman, 18, was arrested on
Nov. 4 in Corsicana, and more property was recovered at that time.
Both the men were supposed to turn themselves in, but when they
didn’t make their appointment, Texas Ranger Jim Hatfield of
McClennan County located the other three suspects on Thursday of
last week and arrested them. Taken into custody were Crystal Teakell,
29; Justin Garrett, 26, and Dorman, all who are Waco residents; and
Valley Mills resident Daniel Dible, 28. Dorman was arraigned by
Navarro County Justice of the Peace Jackie Freeman, who set bond at
$1,500. The other three suspects were arraigned in McClennan County
by the county magistrate, Judge Raymond Britton, who set their bonds
at $25,000 each for engaging in organized criminal activity.
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