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Thought Challenge 8-14-12


Manager or Leader?

Submitted by AJ Crank
Asset Protection Manager
The Home Depot.

Protecting the assets of whatever company you may work for isn't easy as we all know. Companies are always changing. And with change, comes struggles for many people. The ability to adapt to new processes, technology, and even roles can sometimes be difficult for many. As we take a step back and evaluate whether or not our current strategy to be the best is working, we sometimes find that we may not always have the right people on the bus as I'm sure many of you have heard before.

The question you have to ask yourself is this, am I in the right seat... or should I even be on this bus? We often ask ourselves these questions, especially when our mid-year or annual self-reviews roll around.

I have done my fair share of career soul searching. As a young professional, I stood my ground tall and proud with my approach as to how I managed my business. Becoming the product expert, the go to guy for policy and procedure, the enforcer of safety! But it hasn't been until most recently, when I made the decision to change companies, that being the product expert or the hammer isn't going to get me ANYWHERE.

Sitting in a class that I chose to attend for my self-development, I heard the term Executive Presence. What does your billboard say about you? As I sat there and pondered, I realized that if my billboard were an advertisement for a burger and fries, I wouldn't want to eat there. Perception is everything. When you are shopping with your family, do random people walk up to you and ask Do you work here? When you are walking your business with a group of associates or employees, do people know who is running the show? Can they tell who is directing the ship? Or who is leading the battle on this war we call shrink? Is that LEADER you?

Loss Prevention is all about managing metrics, numbers, stats, goals, shall I go on? We are a numbers driven profession. We get caught up in deep diving into previous year's numbers to see how much more money we can squeeze out of an area this year. How can I turn that tenth of a percent into a thousandth? Too often we become a MANAGER of numbers and metrics. To this I say. Let's stop trying to manage numbers. Instead, let's be the leader of our business.

Let us be the head coach of our team and develop our people. Develop our associates to the point where THEY are the product experts and know the ins and outs of policy and procedures. Give them the knowledge and feeling of self-worth. We as LPs only few, but when we can get a whole team behind us, not one person is smarter than that team. Taking the time to teach and train in the aisles goes a long way. The feeling of knowing that you have made an impact on someone's professional life is far more rewarding than pulling out that one or two basis point win during inventory. Showing folks the right way to do something and then taking the time to explain the WHY is a very powerful tool. We sometimes forget to add that one small crucial step. We can always circle around and manage the number, but it's not as easy to circle back around and try to mend that partnership with someone you had made a promise to or that one person you failed by not following back up with.

We are professionals. But are we leaders? Are people inspired by what you do and how you do it or are they inspired by the mystery around what they think you do?

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Thought Challenge 8-14-12
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