The Age of Intelligent Connectivity: 3VR Moves One Step
Farther in 2013

Al Shipp
As another year goes by, I find myself reflecting on the
past year while beginning to anticipate what lies ahead
this coming year. Throughout my career in technology,
I’ve had amazing opportunities to work around some
incredible people such as the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs
and witnessed how innovation can transform businesses
and economies. As an engineer, I have always been
fascinated by how a simple idea can grow to change
people’s lives. Here in Silicon Valley, the notion of
ideas changing the world is part of the fabric and why I
live here.
Early in my career, I joined IBM – this was at a time
when the IBM Personal Computer had just been announced
and was flourishing. We weren’t the first company to
build a personal computer, but IBM helped PCs become
mainstream. The company, founded in 1911, populated
homes and offices throughout the world with its little
beige boxes, running on what was then the most powerful
16-bit Intel processor and MS-DOS. I was part of the
team that designed the first group of IBM PC printers
and it was a rare opportunity for me to manage product
development from design to putting the product into the
market. It was never just about the bottom line or
one-upping competitors. It was, to me, about seeing an
idea from concept to design to reality. When you see
your products being used by thousands of people, you get
a sense of deep satisfaction of having been a part of
that creative process of innovation impacting our
culture and society.
From the IBM PC 5150 to the Apple iPhone, many of the
great product innovations in the last century has
enabled us to become more connected regardless of where
in the world we live. The last several years has only
seen this connectivity accelerate. Concept, development
and deployment of new products now happen
simultaneously, and through the Internet, businesses
have profound influence on cultural development and
access to virtually any customer in the world. When I
travel around the world, and this may just be me, I feel
a sense of familiarity and comfort when I see people
using the same devices I see back home. Connectivity has
become a fact of life, and I feel fortunate to be a part
of the industry that continues to enrich and empower our
lives through a global sharing of ideas and intelligent
Four years ago, when I left my position as Apple’s Head
of Enterprise Sales for 3VR, I spotted something very
special. Here was a Silicon Valley start-up with major
backers – one of them being the CIA – that had
incredible technology. It had already made a name in the
industry for its patented
forensic video search
capability, which cuts fraud investigations from hours
to minutes. Yet, like every intelligent product or
technology, it also bridges the gap between the past,
the current, and the future. Apart from making current
functions much easier, businesses can get so much more
from 3VR’s innovative
analytics that are built into its
video security system. Without the need to watch video,
you now have access to quick,
actionable information
that takes you from what you think you know to what is
really happening inside your business environment. In
3VR, I saw an opportunity to help people, possibly save
lives, and make a difference.
Fast-forward – four years later. Everyone is talking
about “Big Data” and the enormous value of the large
amounts of data being generated every second, but the
honest truth is nobody is really leveraging this
capability... yet. We at 3VR have been evangelizing the
message to our customers and partners for a while now –
there is a wealth of useful data that can make your
business better in your video. But data itself is
useless, unless you translate that data into
easy-to-understand and helpful information for the
common user. Most organizations only have a limited view
of their enterprise, resulting in an inability to
centrally manage or mine their video resources for
information. What 3VR has done, and will continue to do,
is to provide an easily configurable solution that
solves enterprise-wide problems today. Not only that,
we’d like to help businesses build an intelligent
enterprise, maximizing the same, extensible video
investment to access previously unusable video, and
provide intelligence for operations, marketing and
In 2013, 3VR is moving one step farther in the age of
connectivity, with a series of exciting developments,
such as our
Analytics Dashboard, mobile apps,
third-party integrations, and yes, there is even
something looming in the Cloud.
Today, we are just scratching the surface of what’s
possible. Someday, I imagine you’ll have the ability to
measure every metric imaginable. I believe 3VR will be a
key part of the revolution in creating a more open,
transparent and safe world.

3VR will be a key part of the revolution in creating a
more open, transparent and safe world."