The D-D Daily
Featured Job
Listing Terms and
The featured job listings in the D-D Daily may
be used only for
lawful purposes by companies seeking employees.
Featured Job
Listings are valid for two week or one month
increments. The
duration of the Featured Job Listing must be
selected at the
time of purchase. Please double-check all
information before you
purchase your Featured Job Listing.
Typographical and/or other
listing errors are your sole
You represent that you have the authority to
post the Featured
Job Listing on behalf of the company represented
in the Featured
Job Listing, and that all information in the Job
Listing is
accurate and complete.
D-D Daily reserves the right to refuse any Job
Listing that we
consider unacceptable or inappropriate, whether
for legal or
other reasons. If we refuse your Featured Job
Listing for any
reason, a full refund will be issued, and no
other recourse may
be taken by you.
When submitting your Featured Job Listing, be
aware that only
two separate locations can be featured on each
listing. If you
are filling multiple positions with the same
title, the
positions must be posted separately and you will
be charged for
each Featured Job. We do offer discounts for
multiple postings;
Contact us for pricing details.
You agree to pay D-D Daily the applicable fees
for the Featured
Job Listing, regardless of whether you fill the
advertised. D-D Daily does not guarantee that
jobs posted will
result in candidates being contacted or hired or
jobs filled.
All sales are final. If you fill the position
early, we will
take down the Featured Job Listing at your
written request,
however no refund will be issued for the
remaining days you have
paid for.
D-D Daily will invoice you for your Featured Job
Listing. Your
Featured Job Listing will be posted within 48
hours of receiving
your order with billing information and a full
job description
and link.
By purchasing a Featured Job Listing, you give
D-D Daily license
to display the name of your organization and
your company logo
along with your job description and application
link. You retain
sole responsibility for the content of your
Featured Job Listing
and for compliance with all applicable laws,
regulations and
standards relating to the posting of the
Featured Job Listing.
You understand that we cannot be held
responsible for Featured
Job Listing web page availability due to factors
beyond our
control such as power outages, viruses, etc. You
agree to
defend, indemnify, and hold harmless D-D Daily
and their
respective officers, directors, employees and
agents, from and
against any claims, actions or demands,
including without
limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees,
resulting from
any third party claims arising out of (i) any
content or other
material you provide in your Featured Job
Listings, or (ii) your
breach of the terms of these Terms.
By purchasing a Featured Job Listing with
D-D Daily, you
automatically agree to the terms
Order a
Featured Job Listing
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